Beltone have just recently developed a tinnitus calmer app, which distracts the brain from focusing on tinnitus. The app, which is available on iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch, and Android uses what is known as “sound therapy” to induce subtle sound tracks. The app comes with many preset default sound tracks, which range from “sunny beach” to “morning birds” and other calming tracks.
Sounds can also be customised to the user’s taste, and you can even add your own sounds should you want to.
Interestingly, the feature to layer sounds has also been implemented; allowing the user to create their own ‘soundscape’ by running multiple sound tracks simultaneously! So for example, one could run the sound of birds, with the sound of the sea and a gentle wind to create a ‘day at the seaside’ soundscape.
Furthermore the app is visually customisable, allowing users to change the background colour. It also includes a small mini-game which consists of popping on screen bubbles as they appear, which Beltone claim to be a relaxing, calming activity; which further distracts you from tinnitus.
The app also tracks usage, so it knows which sounds work best for you. You can even take your app to your hearing practitioner, who is able to analyse the results and discuss how to best advance regarding your tinnitus. It further provides tips for tinnitus, and was designed purposely so anybody suffering from tinnitus in a quiet environment, can load up the app and get quick relief.